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Syllabus for English 11, EPF


Class Procedures -

If these class procedures are rejected by a student on a consistent basis then consequences will result and parents will be notified. 

Cell Phones Use

When class starts, the “red zone” in which  all cell phones should be silent, in the back pack, or faced down on the desk will be the daily routine. They will not be used in class. Chromebooks will be used on occasion when a class activity requires it. 

Classroom Behavior

General respect for people and property  is needed to have a positive learning environment. No talking when the teacher is lecturing, when someone is answering a question, or during a test. 

Late Work

Work turned in past the due date will receive a reduced grade  if turned in after the current module is complete. Assignments not turned in by the end of the grading period  will become a permanent zero. 


When absent, check Canvas agenda daily and complete the missed days assignments. Upon returning from an absence, students are responsible for picking up handouts and/or print them from Canvas. Any in class assignments such as tests and quizzes will need to be rescheduled with the teacher. 


Honor Code(taken from KGHS Student Handbook) 

King George High School students are expected to perform honestly through the production of their work. They should also demonstrate respect for belongings and rights of others, including but limited to staff members and volunteers. 

The following acts are prohibited; 

  1. Cheating includes the actual giving, receiving, or use of any unauthorized aid or assistance of the actual giving or receiving of unfair advantage on any form of academic work

  2. Plagiarism includes using or copying the language, structure, idea, and/or thought of another and representing it as one's own original work

  3. Falsification includes, but not limited to, a verbal, written, or electronic transmission  including the production or use of forgery or counterfeiting

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